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Thank you!

I am writing to thank you for allowing us to participate in the RHKYC Race Week Regatta. It was a tremendous experience for us all and hopefully it proved that with their normal levels of determination our sailors can overcome many challenges over and above their disability.

It is appreciated that we were an unknown quantity when we first applied to join in the Regatta and that several may have had some concerns about our ability to even get there, let alone participate over the full duration! Perhaps the outcome was self evident and indeed has persuaded many that sailing for the disabled has a place in the sailing community in Hong Kong. As far as we are concerned, we really do see this as a Hong Kong initiative and although based at Hebe Haven, this is purely due to where the founders are based as members and a certain bar discussion and bottle of red wine in late 2009!

We regard the sponsorship of the Access 303 by the RHKYC, as well as that by ABC and HHYC, as proof that the Hong Kong sailing fraternity is in fact behind what we are trying to achieve and in particular, is helping us make sailing more inclusive. We are aware that several of the RHKYC Committee ‘pushed our cause’ and we are most grateful for that. Not everyone readily takes to something new and we do appreciate that undertaking something along these lines breaks new ground due to the obvious uncertainties not to mention – safety concerns.

As I think you know, this was the first time our sailors have entered a full Regatta and there is no doubt you have helped us progress on our journey towards the Asian Para Games in South Korea later this year. We will always be most grateful for that and all we need to do now is perform well enough so as to make the Hong Kong sailing community proud of us!

Thank you very much for your support. It was a great event and we all thoroughly enjoyed it. We shall look forward to the next opportunity to join you at Middle Island.

Yours sincerely

Mike A Rawbone


‘Sailability Hong Kong’

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